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The MyMicroZoo ™ gut bacteria test provides the answer.

The colon contains a large number of bacteria, also known as the gut microbiota. These bacteria play an active role in the body. For example, they are involved in the immune system, brain activity and vitamin production. The composition of the bacteria is different for everyone. At MyMicroZoo you can easily see the composition of your microbiota and gain insight into how you can improve your vitality. Your personal MyMicroZoo report provides an overview of the bacteria that are specific to you. Based on current knowledge and microbiome research, we provide insight into the balance between health-contributing and less beneficial bacteria.

100% Natural Me can translate your personal MyMicroZoo ™ report into nutritional and lifestyle advice. This allows you to improve your energy level, sports performance, digestion and absorption of nutrients. If you order a MyMircoZoo kit through us in combination with a nutrition & lifestyle advice, you will receive a 13.6% discount on one of the kits below.

What do you receive when you order our LIFESTYLE COACHING?

  • A 30 minute intake conversation to get an understanding of why you would like your bacteria checked.
  • We will review your current nutritional and lifestyle for 1 week prior to your MyMicroZoo ™ test.
  • We will make a translation of the MyMicroZoo ™ report to a nutritional and lifestyle advice delivered to you in a document which contains;
    • Tailored advise on which foods & drinks to consume more of and what to preferably leave out.
    • Tailored advise on how you can improve your lifestyle.
    • Tailor made nutritional & lifestyle daily menu with recipes & exersises for 1 or 2 weeks depending on the option chosen.
  • A verbal conversation to discuss your MyMicroZoo ™ report and our nutritional and lifestyle advice.
  • Review & advise for your own made 1 week plan.

How does MyMicroZoo ™ work?
  • After you have ordered nutritional & lifestyle advice from us, you will receive an invitation from MyMicroZoo with the discount code.
  • Go to the https://mymicrozoo.com/en page and press the ORDER NOW button
  • Choose 100% Natural Me as your partner.
  • Choose your preferred kit. Do not forget to enter your discount code.
  • You will receive the kit at home. Follow the instructions in the kit carefully.
  • We will be both notified by MyMicroZoo ™ when your results are ready.
  • We need a while to do an analysis and to translate the report into nutritional & lifestyle advice.
  • We can discuss this advice on location in Uithoorn or if you prefer via video conferencing.
  • Afterwards you will receive all information neatly in a document via email.

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Who are your bacteria?

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